I wanted to do a super quick update about how I set up for Back to School Night, since I was super happy with how smoothly everything went, other than everyone dripping sweat due to the extreme heat and no air conditioning combo.
I decided to go with stations since I'd seen a lot of similar set-ups on Instagram. It makes sense to design BTS this way since it's low pressure on the teacher, there's not necessarily a formal presentation, and parents can move at their own pace.
Station 1 was a supply sorting station. I made it station number 1 so folks didn't have to lug their bags around the room with them. I had parents and kids sort their own supplies to save some time for me later on. I used Ashley's supply bin labels on the Sterilite containers. There was even a "money" label, which I'm sure is for math manipulatives, but I was verrrry tempted to put it on an empty container to see what I could get. ;)
Station 4 was essentially the same as 3, except that it directed parents to a Student Information Survey in Google Forms.
Station 5 was where parents let the school know they'd attended BTS Night by signing in. The adorable tray (from the Target dollar bin) collected the signature page of the Parent Handbook.
At station 6, students and parents chatted with me and grabbed their gift for the night. These delightful pencil tags are a freebie and can be found here. At this point, I also made sure parents grabbed one of our informational flipbooks, which can be found in Lindsey's store. I will, for a fact, be making these flipbooks every year. Not only do they include the information I need parents to know to start the year off on the right foot, they are also so pleasing to the eye and so well-organized. They were a huge hit!